Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Driving to AK

4,610 miles from Delaware to Alaska, specifically to Denali.

In my Sequoia it would require approximately $1,200 in fuel and 80 hours, 92 realistically, to drive to an adventure that may not have a return trip depending on the level of commitment to the adventure.

On this trip the route would take me through 7 regions of Canada, incredible. But the question is, do you do this trip in an all out assault on the distance to get to the destination, or do I relish the beauty that Canada itself has to offer before returning to the country from whence I came for the final adventure and possible tour of what I can only imagine is a wasteland of civilization, therefore a perfect natural place. On the tour through Canada one could no doubt take weeks to stop off to swim in the numerous lakes and stand in awe on various peaks great and small.

This isn't a leisure vacation, it's a soul cleansing sufferfest. Some people want to go on a cruise and have drinks, I'd rather drive for days and then be gripped by fear and potential mortal situations. Because the fear and anxiety while being alone and in danger, only seems to heighten the sense of being alive, of experiencing reality at its most, well, real. I haven't decided that this plan is even viable, but when you begin to consider what could be possible. A drive to Alaska from the east coat of the US isn't such a big deal, as far as technical challenges go, its just a drive, the adventure is what is made up along the way.

What drives someone to consider such a journey as necessary for their soul? I hope to find out and end the restlessness, to find some kind of answer.

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