Friday, April 5, 2019

#1 The plan

This whole project, which will no doubt become an adventure for life, was almost dreamed up as an escape from reality. But i think we quickly decided that there was no reason to maintain some status quo just for maintenance sake. What is such a thing maintained for? We currently live in northern delaware, new castle county. The area we live in is nice, and there's a culture that is affectionate toward outdoor pursuits, but we want this on steroids. Some of the other issues, beyond the lack of fun terrain for outdoor fun is the inability to cultivate many resources on your own in northern delaware. We're unable to raise bees, chickens, goats or any other sort of meaningful stocks, because of ordinances or some other goofy reason. So hampered by these bummers, we're giving real thought to moving to less developed areas. Places where maybe you're treated a little more like an adult and not a child that needs to be coddled.

Currently, the crazy idea, at its craziest, is to pack a conex box with all the supplies to build a cabin and start a life in argentina. That's to the extreme end of things. However, i contest that the mendoza region is fantastic and could offer an opportunity to raise grapes, hemp, goats and chicken in rich volcanic soil, while also climbing said volcano, establishing routes and adding some revenue via one of my absolute favorite pursuits, mountaineering. But barring something really crazy, we're more likely to settle in north carolina at this point. There's a ton of research to do, but it may be as easy as taking some weekend trips to visit places, meet people. I want a community to live in, even if my neighbors are miles away.

It seems crazy that with thousands of people living right around me i want to move where i know my neighbors well miles away, but i think the current 'levitown' system of anti soviet urban sprawl is a bit alienating, something seems to be rotten at its core. So we're drawn to the agrarian life style.

As far as infrastructure i've given thought to sinking a well, putting up a solar array and then establishing a camp ground on a plot of land near a climbing spot. This will effectively provide revenue to pay at the very least for the property tax and hopefully some of the mortgage, if there is one, on the property in question, prior to moving to the property.

All these ideas need to be fleshed out more but this is the general frame work for an enterprise which my wife and i wish to embark, hopefully this blog will keep being updated and this dream will be realized. maybe one day i'll turn this stuff into a book. that would be rad.